365 SOLAR offers:

Name Brand Solar Modules

We use only the highest quality PV panels. Our panels feature a protective glass covering which makes them weather resistant. The quality of our panels allows us to offer a warranty with confidence.

Installation Warranty& Guarantee

365 SOLAR provides 10 years limited warranty and production guarantee to our clients to ensure your hassle-free solar experience.

Quality Solar Inverters

As country’s largest solar installer, 365 SOLAR offers a full range of high efficiency solar inverters at value prices. For this specialty we have most reliable Enphase micro-inverter.

A world with limitless opportunities powered by sustainable energy and uninterrupted connectivity. It is possible.

Latest News

How will solar panels look on my roof?

Perfectly! Our set of contemporary designed, low-profile and premium front trim panels will integrate beautifully into your home's or office building's exterior.

How does solar power work?

In short, our panels absorb the sun’s energy, then channel it through discreetly placed wires to an inverter. There it is being converted to electricity...

What are the environmental impacts and benefits of solar energy?

They're solid. The average solar power system will offset 178 tons of CO2 over 30 years.

We are your energy advocates providing alternatives

You may think that home solar is expensive with complicated technology, paperwork and lengthy intrusive installation. That’s the way it used to be.

With new innovations in satellite roof assessment technology and exclusive solar assessment tools, we do all the heavy lifting for you. We compile all the information you need to make an informed decision.

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Our awards &

365 SOLAR strives to provide the highest level of quality and professionalism. Here is a sampling of the recognition we've received to that end:

25-year panel output warranty
20-year system production guarantee
10-year workmanship warranty

Don’t fret if you have a system that wasn’t purchased from us – we know that not all companies can offer great warranties like ours.