UK to start building solar paneled roads

The UK government proved once again that it’s not that conservative.
By accepting the progressive renewable energy industry, the government planned few new highways across the Britain to be equipped with built-in solar panels. That plan started with a cooperation with an enthusiastic UK family, the Internet, and a crowdfunding...
The futuristic Solar Highways project will, of course, be powered by the sunlight energy. But the transformation from a family company's environmentalist dream to a mainstream reality was made possible only with the popular support and people’s power.
Contact us for detailed pricing of Polysilicon Solar PanelsThere's still 14 days of the fundraising campaign to go but the last count was £2,975,577, way ahead of their initial target. The support isn't just financial, as their Indiegogo site and related educational videos on an environmental cause went viral and attracted about 25 million views on YouTube!
The husband and wife are originally a pair of designers from Midlands, in the UK say their trademark panels would pay for themselves over time and provide clean, eco-friendly and renewable green energy.