Energy bills savings calculator

We offer a whole range of energy efficiency tips, provided both lease and purchase option for your home.
During our in-home consultation, you'll be able to get a glimpse of exactly how much you’ll be saving daily, monthly and yearly on your power consumption bills after you’ll have a 365 SOLAR’s solar panel systems installed at your location...
Residential panels installation

So far, there’ve been more than 4 million solar systems installed on the rooftops across the US. Besides all the environmental benefits that this brings, plus the savings on your monthly bills for power consumption, it’s easy to see why so many people have made the leap over.
So if you've decided to join fiscally-savvy and eco-friendly homeowners across the US, there are a few tips to help you choose the right system and capacity for your home...
First of all, let's assess what is the current power consumption for your home and which solar panel set will fit your situation the best.
Commercial installation consulting

Besides providing miscellaneous solar power solutions for private clients and residential buildings, we also help commercial businesses, as well as government institutions in switching to solar.
If you're an owner or a manager of a small, medium or a big business or a separate office building, then we'll be glad to advise you on this matter.
It's important to remember, that switching high-consumption offices to solar takes more time in both preparation and technical equipment manufacturing and installing. That's why we would like to start planning your businesses switch to solar as soon as possible!